Autumn Stream by Jane Wigglesworth The Women’s Art Society of Montreal Art Exhibit & Sale – June 6 -11 LiveEvents June 1, 2015 3555 Art Exhibit & Sale This annual juried exhibit and sale will be at the E.K. Voland Art Gallery from June 6 to June 11. Vernisage: Saturday, June 6 from 2-5pm. Open: Sunday – Tuesday: noon to 5pm and Wednesday and Thursday from: noon to 8pm. The Gallery is located at 4710 St. Ambroise St. Directions: 191 bus from Lionel Groulx metro to Notre Dame and Courcelle, then go south 2 blocks to St. Ambroise. For more information about the society: Hesitation by Rita Earati Où vas tu? by Diane Vigneault