Dancing Grandmothers – May 21-22, Theatre Jean-Duceppe LiveEvents May 14, 2015 6379 Festival TransAmériques presents Dancing Grandmothers EUN-ME AHN SEOUL (South Korea) An eccentric star of the Asian dance scene, Eun-me Ahn is finally making her way to Canada, bringing an irresistible blast of gaiety to the Festival TransAmériques with Dancing Grandmothers. This celebratory piece thumbs its nose at ageism. Camera in hand, the choreographer found venerable grandmothers in the boondocks of South Korea and convinced them to rekindle the spark of joy inherent to dancing. A dozen of them move from the screen to the stage with nine young dancers of insolent agility and dynamism, creating a reconciliation of the generations orchestrated by techno music. Popular songs bring back the ardour of the 1960s. An explosive Asian kitsch, delightful and terribly touching. To be enjoyed with the whole family. Length: 1 h 30 For tickets and information: laplacedesarts.com 514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112