Duo Lyra – April 30, Salle Claude-Léveillée LiveEvents April 22, 2015 6245 Société Pro Musica and Les Mélodînes Lunchtime Concert Series Presents DUO LYRA (harp and flute) The Duo Lyra is a fascinating mix of the harp (Olga Gross) and the flute (Chantal Dubois). The harp’s sweet and enveloping sounds, enhanced by the flute’s singing tones, will brighten your day. Versatile musicians heard on the radio, television and in recital, their sincerity and profound musical commitment have delighted music lovers throughout Quebec. Let yourself be enthralled by these artists’ sensitivity, in a programme celebrating the arrival of spring! Programme: Delibes, Mancini, Saint-Saens, Mendelssohn, Arlen Les Mélodînes Lunchtime concert series – Thursdays from 12:10PM to 12:50PM, at the Salle Claude-Léveillée of the Place des Arts. For tickets and information: www.laplacedesarts.com 514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112