World Press Photo 2014 Exhibition

Presented at Bonsecours Market, the World Press Photo event showcases the prize-winning photographs from the most prestigious professional photography competition on the planet. In 2014, 5800 photographers from 130 countries submitted a total of 98 000 images. The 150 prize-winning photographs are on display at the Montreal exhibition.

Every day from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Nocturnes: Until midnight on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights

For more information and ticket prices:

The Old Port (Bonsecours Market)
325 rue de la Commune East / Old Montreal

[box radius=”10″]Featured Photo:
Steve Winter, USA, for National Geographic1st Prize Nature Stories
Steve Winter, USA, for National Geographic
02 March 2013, Los Angeles, USA
A cougar walking a trail in Los Angeles’ Griffith Park is captured by a camera trap. To reach the park, which has been the cougar’s home for the last two years it had to cross two of the busiest highways in the US.
Cougars are among the most adaptable and widespread terrestrial mammals in the Western Hemisphere, with a range that extends from the tip of Chile to the Canadian Yukon. They are increasingly being seen in and around towns and cities, including Los Angeles and in the Hollywood Hills. Fear of these secretive cats, combined with a lack of adequate public knowledge, tends to justify the thousands of cougars killed every year. Scientists in Wyoming’s Teton National Forest are outfitting them with GPS collars and camera trapping to learn more about basic behaviors and to lift the veil of mystery surrounding them.
For an overview of all the winners visit the 2014 Contest gallery:[/box]