Once Upon A Time Fireworks – July 12, La Ronde LiveEvents July 5, 2014 5730 30th L’International des Feux Loto-Québec Once Upon A Time Country: Spain Pirotecnia Caballer presents an exceptional display: a poem without words all in sounds, lights and music. With a truly imaginative fusion of sounds and colours, this pyromusical creation expresses all the poetic power and beauty of the fireworks that illuminate the sky and dazzle the audience! Pirotecnia Caballer is one of the most important fireworks companies in Spain and enjoys a great reputation all over the world. Founded in 1880, this company has been dedicated to manufacturing and exporting all kinds of products as well as performing fireworks displays worldwide. Its best value is its capacity in developing new fireworks technologies. Its high quality products have been used by the most important companies in the world at the most important shows in the world. Pirotecnia Caballer won five Jupiter awards as Spain representative and is participating for a seventh time in the Montréal competition. Fore more information: www.internationaldesfeuxloto-quebec.com [divide] La Ronde presents a new edition of the Montréal International Fireworks Competition, the International des Feux Loto-Québec. During the most prestigious event of its kind, pyrotechnicians from nine countries display their daring talent to compete for the world’s most coveted honours: gold, silver and bronze Jupiter awards. Performances at 10 p.m. For more information, visit www.laronde.com