Kutuan, Legends of Fire – July 16, La Ronde LiveEvents July 5, 2014 4646 30th L’International des Feux Loto-Québec Kutuan, Legends of Fire Country: Canada Two companies have teamed up for this unique display that will light up the sky of La Ronde. In this unique artistic creation, Team Royal and FSC invite the audience into a fantastic imaginary world with Kutuan and the Legends of Fire. According to many legends, fire is a gift from God to humans. However, man is the only being who can make and harness fire. Fire is divine in many cultures and will always be the object of worship as shown through Ghost lights, the Phoenix and even the Devil! Flames can destroy, but when mastered, they illuminate and can create stunning artistry as seen in Kutuan and the Legends of Fire. As a winner of several International and National awards, Fireworks Spectaculars is considered a leader in pyrotechnics art in Canada In 2010, the company won Gold and People’s Choice in Montreal. Royal Pyrotechnie is a Quebec company that is a multi-award winner on the international scene and the only Canadian company to have won Gold twice in Montreal, in 2003 and 2009, as well as the Jupiter for best soundtrack in 2009. Fore more information: www.internationaldesfeuxloto-quebec.com [divide] La Ronde presents a new edition of the Montréal International Fireworks Competition, the International des Feux Loto-Québec. During the most prestigious event of its kind, pyrotechnicians from nine countries display their daring talent to compete for the world’s most coveted honours: gold, silver and bronze Jupiter awards. Performances at 10 p.m. For more information, visit www.laronde.com