This #1 New York Times Best Seller by Patricia Schultz is a travel bucket list guidebook

This paraphrasing of the title from one of Dr. Seuss’ beloved books is a succinct description of Patricia Schultz’s “1000 Places to See Before You Die”. A veteran travel writer, Schultz set out to cover the world’s 100 most iconic places, but the project quickly out grew the original premise. After years of compiling the world’s most beautiful and amazing locations, “1000 Places to See Before You Die” was born.

This #1 New York Times Best Seller (in its new revised edition) tallies 1200 pages of gorgeous beaches, fairytale inspiring castles, breathtaking natural wonders, enlightening museums, cultural treasures and an endless supply of travel ideas. This is not a traditional travel guidebook. It is a travel bucket list guidebook. Flipping through the pages will inspire your sense of adventure and wanderlust. Continent by continent, readers will quickly add places to their travel wish list.

At a recent Trafalgar sponsored event, Patricia spoke about the wonder and excitement of travel. Speaking with her afterwards, she answered my burning but yet unspoken question, “Has she actually been to all 1000 places?” Knowing that this is what everyone is pondering, she openly admits that the answer is no. She has visited about 80% and the remaining 200 or so are on her own bucket list. Having recently returned from Mongolia she continues to check off more places on her list. And just in case you are wondering, the places she hasn’t yet visited have all been thoroughly researched and visited by her distinguished colleagues.

Readers looking to craft a particular type of trip, such as culinary, kayaking, bicycling, golfing, or historical, will be pleased to find a thematic index on the book’s website.

“1000 Places to See Before You Die” is a great book for anyone thinking of beginning or adding to their travel bucket list. Travel ignites our curiosity and offers us the opportunity to discover the world’s infinite treasures. For anyone interested in checking off some places on their own travel wish list, Trafalgar travels to about 400 of Patricia Schultz’s 1000 places.

For more information on “1000 Places to See Before You Die” and its new App, visit
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